Sabtu, 03 November 2007




A. The Background of the Study

Every region has a culture and the culture of each region is different. There is a figurative meaning “Lain ladang lain belalang, lain lubuk lain ikannya”. It means that every region has different culture. The culture of region is created by society who lives in the region. They created the culture with thought, power, feeling, and labor. Although every society has different culture motive but there is universal between them. The culture comes from the human. It decided human’s attitude. It was inherited by one generation into other generation.

There are three aspects which distinguish between one culture and another culture. There are culture, society ecology and the individual. Culture consists of dominant values, habit of thought and assumption, its verifiable knowledge, art forms, language, paralanguage, and kinesics. Society consists of social institution and the regulation of interpersonal and group relation: family, religion, economic, occupational organization, political and judicial system, education, intellectual aesthetic and recreational institution, communications, social norms, social stratifications conflict and resolution of conflicts. Ecology consists of the population’s relationship with its sub human environment attitude towards nature exploitation of nature, use of natural products, technology, settlements and territorial organization, travel and transportation.

Two interrelated anthropological concepts, society and culture, are crucial to understanding what makes humans unique. In its general sense, a society consists of any group of interacting animals, such as a herd of bison. But human societies often include millions or billions of people who share a common culture. Culture refers to the ways of life learned and shared by people in social groups. Culture differs from the simpler, inborn types of thinking and behavior that govern the lives of many animals. The people in a human society generally share common cultural patterns, so anthropologists may refer to particular societies as cultures, making the two terms somewhat interchangeable.

According to John H. Bodley, culture is fundamentally tied to people’s ability to use language and other symbolic forms of representation, such as art, to create and communicate complex thoughts. Thus, many anthropologists study people’s languages and other forms of communication. Symbolic representation allows people to pass a great amount of knowledge from generation to generation. People use symbols to give meaning to everything around them, every thought, and every kind of human interaction.

People have shared beliefs and values in the face of other, often contradictory, beliefs and values held by people of other cultural backgrounds. From this view, people continually create and debate with each other about the meaning of all aspects of culture, such as words, rituals, and concepts.

People living together in a society share culture. For example, almost all people living in the United States share the English language, dress in similar styles, eat many of the same foods, and celebrate many of the same holidays.

Societies of Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten have some phenomena of the society’s everyday lives. For example, society personal relationship, family values, everyday manner, education and the role woman.

Every place, every society has different culture. Something bad in one place or society, may be it is fine in another place or society. The social culture of Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten is that the people there organize themselves in relation to each other duties, and to structure their interactions. They commonly organize themselves according to bonds kinship (blood relation) and marriage, work duties, and economic.

Societies of Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten organize themselves primarily according to ties of kinship (blood relation) and marriage. People who share ties by blood and marriage commonly live together in families.

People in societies of Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten commonly divide work duties; men hunting, raising money for family, and building shelters and women gardening, cooking, and caring for children.

From the description, the writer takes title of this research “The phenomena of society’s everyday lives of Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten”. This motivates the writer to choose this title for her paper. It is hoped to know about society’s everyday lives in their education, family values and everyday manners, personal relationship and the women which is different for another.

B. The Statement of the Problem

The writer would like to present the problem that can be formulated as follows:

“How is the phenomena of society’s everyday lives of Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten?”

C. The Aims of the Study

This research is meant to know more about:

  1. To get a clear description of the phenomena of society’s everyday lives of Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten.
  2. To know society’s everyday lives of Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten.

D. The Uses of the Study

The uses of the study are as follows:

1. To know the culture of Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten society in their education, family values, everyday lives manners, personal relationship and the women.

2. To know about lives style Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten.

E. The Clarification of the Key Terms

In this research, the writer would like to clarify the title to make them clear. The writer gives the definition of the terms as follows:

  1. Phenomena

According to Judy Pearsall and Bill Trumble (2002:1089) phenomena means a fact or occurrence that appears or is perceived, especially one of which the cause is in question. In this study, phenomena is a fact or event in a society of Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten.

  1. Society

According to Judy Pearsall and Bill Trumble (2002:1375) the writer explain society means the sum of human conditions and activity regarded as a whole functioning interdependently or a social community (a social mode of life). Society in this study is a social community in everyday lives of Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten.

  1. Everyday live

According to Judy Pearsall and Bill Trumble (2002:487) everyday means ordinary daily or occurring everyday. Live means having life (of a performance) heard or seen at the time of its occurrence, not from a recording (Judy Persall and Bill Trumble, 2002:839). Everyday live in this study is having life of society of everyday lives of Rt 01 Rw 10 Candi Rejoso Jogonalan Klaten.

F. The Organization of the Study

The organization of this research is divided into five chapters, they are as follows:

Chapter I is introduction, it consists of the background of the study, statement of the problem, the aims of the study, the uses of the study, the clarification of key terms, and the organization of the study.

Chapter II is review of related literature; it consists of the nature of culture, the relationship among language, culture, and thought, and the significance of learning culture.

Chapter III is the method of the study; it consists of the meaning of research method, the strategy of the research, the data and the sources of data, the technique of collecting the data, and the technique of analyzing the data.

Chapter IV is the result of the study; it consists of the analysis of the data and the discussion of the finding.

Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion, it consists of conclusion, implication, and suggestion.

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